The NetNewsTicker is licensed under the GPL and is free/open source software.
Required development packages:
- cmake
- kdepimlibs5-dev
- kdelibs5-dev
- libqt4-core
- libqt4-dev
- libboost-dev
The source code of the NetNewsTicker is hosted in a public repository at gitHub.
The address of the repository is
To get the source code, execute the following in the Konsole:
git clone
To compile the NetNewsTicker:
$>cd netnewsticker
$>mkdir build
$>cd build
$>cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ -DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/kde4 -DSERVICES_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/services -DLOCALE_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/locale/ -DICON_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/icons ../
To install:
$>make install
After that the NetNewsTicker is ready to be used.
Published on Friday November 12th, 2010Modified on Saturday August 25th, 2012